fop2 problem login

Hello, I need some help changing a setting with FOP2 and FreePBX on a PBX in a Flash build. Everytime I click the FOP2 Icon on the FreePBX start page it asks me to first login as admin or wwwadmin before being able to access the FOP2 login. My previous install did not do this. What did I miss and how do I take the first login off?



  • Hi Eric,

    What you see is an apache authentication request. It has nothing to do with FOP2 itself, there is no setting in fop2 that will or can prevent an apache authentication to appear if it was setup. You will have to look at your apache configuration and see where is that requirement setup. Here is a link from apache docs:

    You most probably have a

    <Directory /var/www/html>
    AuthType Basic

    Somewhere in apache configuration files.
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