Queue Login Plugin for FOP2 2.28

I am happy to announce the Queue Login plugin for FOP 2.28.

The plugin will show a queue selection window right after login into FOP2. The user will be auto added to selected queues as a member. On FOP2 logout, the user will be removed from those queues automatically.

In this way FOP2 can be used as an Agent console and useful to track login and logout times for Agents using analytics packages like Asternic Call Center Stats.

The plugin price is only $10 and can be installed directly from the FOP2 Manager administration. You can get your activation code here.


  • Hello,

    we have bought the plugin a few days ago and installed it today, but it is not working right. Sometimes it offers to log in to queue, but most of the times it does not. Also on log out from FOP2, agents remain logged in to queue most of the time, even if they logged in via FOP2.

    The server is PBX-In-A-Flash (FreePBX on Centos 6.5 64bit).
    We have tested with Firefox, Chrome and Opera, all on Linux and Windows.

    Best regards,
    Sinisa Bandin
  • Please contact me via the live help so we can review your installation and make some tests. You should be using FOP2 2.28.

    Best regards,
  • The Queue Login plugin was updated today. It has now a configurable settings (via plugins setting page), to log users automatically to all visible queues, with no user interaction/prompt.

  • We updated to the new version yesterday to see if it would work in our environment. Not really sure how to set the AutomaticLoginToAllQueue field in settings. The default was 0, I assumed that was disabled but with it set to 0 the users get no pop-up and are not logged into their queues. Setting it to -1 seems to bring the pop-up back. Can you let me know what values are valid here and what they do. Thanks
  • A value of 1 should not prompt you for the popup and will automatically add to every available queue for that user. A value of 0 should will bring the popup and prompt you to select queues individually.
  • Hmmm, well it was set to 0 and I was not getting the pop-up. That's why I tried -1. I don't think I ever saved the settings after install, I just looked and saw it was 0 and left it alone. I just changed it back to 0 and I did get prompted on login. Perhaps there was just something funky with the default value after install.
  • Whenever a plugin is updated, you should restart the fop2 service. Perhaps that was the issue?
  • @admin - I've read this, it looks great. We've installed this and have it running now.

    The only issue I have is that we have approx 10 queues. Our agents might be only part of 2-3 queues but currently have an option to select any of the 10. Can we limit their login options to view only their queues?

    Thank you
  • The queue login plugin will let you select among all visible queues in the FOP2 display. If you want to limit the list, you can create a Group (in the groups tab in the FOP2 Manager) that has only the queues you want some user to see/be able to login. Then go to the Users tab and be sure to unselect the "All Buttons" group and check only the groups you want them to see, like "All Extensions", "All Trunks", "All Conferences" and be sure it does not have "All Queues" but add only the group you created that has a limited list of queues. After saving and reloading, if you log with that user, you will see only the queues you have allowed in your groups, and the queue login plugin will let you chose only among those and not all.

    Best regards,

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