Login Problems - Unable to connect to server

Hi guys,

Just been trying to test fop2 but seem to be having no joy.
Installed it via the centos tarball, running the make install.

modified the fop2.cfg to fit around my setup
; AMI definitions

; Daemon definitios
;listen_port      = 4445
;restrict_host    = www.asternic.org
web_dir          = /var/www/html/fop2

; Global Config
language           = en
poll_interval      = 86400
poll_voicemail     = 1

; Display IP Address as tooltips for SIP peers
monitor_ipaddress  = 0

; Force blind transfer on asterisk 1.6
blind_transfer     = 0

master_key = 5678


The fop2_server --test seems to output correctly
Flash Operator Panel 2 - No valid license found. Demo Mode
Connection to manager OK!
and service fop2 status says its running ok,
ps -ef|grep fop shows it running fine

I've modified the init script to turn up the debug and monitored the output log file

I get the logon screen and upon attempting to login as 1014 i get "Connecting to server, attempt number : 1" right up to 10 then it fails.

any ideas?


  • Hello,

    First of all, if you are using the default 4445 port for FOP2 (by previously changing or disabling FOP1 is you were running it), then the web_dir parameter is optional, and you might want to comment it out. (The web_dir is only needed if you run FOP2 on a non standard port)

    Now, you have a problem connecting from your web client to port 4445 on FOP2 server. Are you still running FOP1? If so, did you disable FOP1 or changed its port to something else than 4445? Finally, is port 4445 open in your machine or firewall?

    If FOP2 clients connects to port 4445 on FOP1 server, it won't be able to connect and will sit there forever. If FOP2 client cannot establish a connection to port 4445, it will try to reconnect 10 times.

    One last word, after the tcp path is clear, you might face authentication issues. Be sure to add a button with the extension 1014 in your autobuttons.cfg file or you might run into issues. And if you are doing a complete manual setup, comment the #exec line with a semi-colon.

    Best regards,
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