Queued Calls Counter Plugin
I have just released a new *free* plugin for FOP2.

The Queued Calls Counter will add a box to the right column showing the total number or waiting calls in every listed queue.
It is a simple plugin that lets you qucikly see all of the waiting calls you have in your contact center. You need FOP 2.27 or higher in order to use it.
As every other plugin, you can install it via the FOP2 Manager.

The Queued Calls Counter will add a box to the right column showing the total number or waiting calls in every listed queue.
It is a simple plugin that lets you qucikly see all of the waiting calls you have in your contact center. You need FOP 2.27 or higher in order to use it.
As every other plugin, you can install it via the FOP2 Manager.
Or is there a way to get FOP2 Manager running with SQLite3 ?
In fop2.cfg you can add a plugin like this:
And in the user definition in fop2.cfg, you can enumerate plugins after groups, something like this:
Support for sqlite in FOP2 MAnager could be added on a future release, I will consider that.
Best regards,
There are 3 callers waiting in the Support queue
whenever a new calls joins a queue. The phrase, language and announcements can be modified via the plugins configuration page.
eg. realtime call waiting is 2 but the counter shows 313 calls waiting. ( i believe this is an accumulation of all calls from the time i was logged in on FOP2.)
please help
/usr/local/fop2/fop2_server -v
If you are not running 2.31.07, please try to upgrade and see if it helps. You can upgrade with this command:
wget -O - http://download.fop2.com/upgrade_fop2.sh | bash
Best regards,
i've some problem with the queue call counter plugin...
i don't have any voice in firefox or chrome ...
i've set Enable Spoken Announcement and Enable Failed Spoken Announcement to "1"
the graph works well
thanks for your help
The queue counter (Calls waiting) is showing 0 all the time. Where do i check what queue it is looking at ? We have about 4 queues.
OS: SHMZ release 6.6 (final)
Asterisk: 13.18.3
FOP version: 2.31.17