Agent timer erroneously listed in queue buttons
I am using FOP2 2.31.06 against Asterisk 13. It is working great, but I notice that after running for a while, certain queue members show a time counter in the queue button, as shown in the below screenshot. These times don't match up to actual call times and I don't know where they are coming from. They aren't really harmful, but they are erratic and didn't use to show up on [much] earlier versions.
Any ideas what might be causing it or what I can check?
Any ideas what might be causing it or what I can check?

Its not serious problem for me. But if you will fix it, it will be good=)
PS. It happens from time to time, not always.
PPS. Sometimes only one operator is speaking, but in queue button timer works for two. And time for both operators is equal. In asterisk queue first operator has state 'in call, not in use', second is 'in use'. all other is 'not is use'. What is it?
All this issues happens only with queue button. Extension buttons work perfect at the same time. logoff and clean browser cache doesnt help.