Transfer causes DTMF signals

When clicking on transfer in the user interface, there is a sound of DTMF signals in the users conversation. I assume this must be matched in the dialplan? What signales does it send? And how can I match this in my dialplan?

I am using asterisk, a pretty stripped down version, so no trixbox or other GUI.


  • It is an asterisk bug. Update to trunk and it will work. Best regards,
  • Could you please refer to the specific bug?

    Using trunk is not an option in production, but upgrading to might be, if the issue is fixed.
  • No, I cannot point you to the specific bug. I have other users with that problem, and it was fixed when updating to trunk. You are free to search it for yourself at

    Just for starters:

    Best regards,
  • Hi,
    I have the Problem too. But it wasn't fixed after updating. Now I use asterisk with FreePBX.

      1 [general]
      2 ; AMI definitions
      3 manager_host=localhost
      4 manager_port=5038
      5 manager_user=admin
      6 manager_secret=*****
      7 ;event_mask=call,agent
      9 ; Daemon definitios
     10 ;listen_port      = 4445
     11 ;restrict_host    =
     12 ;web_dir          = /var/www/html/operator/fop2
     14 ; Global Config
     15 language           = en
     16 poll_interval      = 86400
     17 poll_voicemail     = 1
     18 monitor_ipaddress  = 0
     20 ; Force blind transfer on asterisk 1.6
     21 blind_transfer     = 0
     23 ; Force supervised transfer on asterisk 1.4
     24 ; requires the atxfer manager backport patch
     25 supervised_transfer = 1
     27 ; Force delimiter for asterisk applications
     28 force_parameter_delimiter = ","
     30 ; When adding or removing members to a queue, fop2 will default to
     31 ; AddQueueMember/RemoveQueueMember commands. If you set use_agentlogin
     32 ; to 1, together with the QueueChannel in a button definition set to
     33 ; an Agent number it will use AgentCallbackLogin and Agentlogoff instead.
     34 ;
     35 ; use_agentlogin = 0
     38 ; Master Password that overrides any individual one
     39 ;master_key = 5678
     41 ; Filename to use when start monitoring, you can use ${UNIQUEID},
     43 ; and date formats %Y %m %d to construct the filename.
     44 ;
     45 ; Settings for modifying the recording filename
     46 ; Available variables are:
     47 ; ${UNIQUEID} = Unique Id of the call
     48 ; ${TIMESTAMP} = Unix Timestamp when the recording was initiated
     49 ; ${DEST_EXTENSION} = Target extenstion being monitored
     50 ; ${ORIG_EXTENSION} = Extension/User that started the recording (not
     51 ;                     the other leg)
     52 ; Date variables:
     53 ; %Y 4 digits year
     54 ; %y 2 digits year
     55 ; %m 2 digits month
     56 ; %d 2 digits day
     57 ; %h 2 digits hour
     58 ; %i 2 digits minute
     59 ; %s 2 digits seconds
     61 monitor_filename=g${DEST_EXTENSION}-${UNIQUEID}
     62 monitor_format=wav
     63 monitor_mix=true
     65 ; --- SAMPLE GROUPS ---
     66 ;group=queues:QUEUE/100,QUEUE/101
     67 ;group=deptA:SIP/100,SIP/101,SIP/102
     68 ; --- END SAMPLE ---
     70 ; --- SAMPLE USER LIST ---
     71 ; format: user= EXTENSION : SECRET : PERMISSIONS : GROUPS
     72 ; You can enumerate several permissions and groups separated by comma
     73 ; available permissions:  'all', 'dial', 'hangup', 'meetme', 'pickup',
     74 ;                         'record', 'spy', 'transfer', 'whisper',
     75 ;                         'queuemanager', 'queueagent', 'phonebook'
     76 ;
     77 ;user=620:1234:all:queues
     78 ;user=621:1234:dial,transfer,pickup:deptA
     79 ;user=622:1234:all
     80 ;user=623:1234:meetme,pickup
     81 ;buttonfile=buttons.cfg
     82 ; ------ END SAMPLE ------
     84 ; This line is NOT commented, it executes
     85 ; the autoconfig configuration for FreePBX
     86 #exec
    Attended transfer (atxfer) is run on asterisk too. Someone can help me?
  • I am sorry, but it is not a fop2 problem , but an asterisk bug. If the manager atxfer feature causes dtmf slips and no transfer to occur then you can report the bug to
  • I tried,,, and trunk and no Version works. Could you tell me a working version or which asterisk configuration files could change?
  • edited December 2016
    Hi! I have the same problem with asterisk 13.8
    When I call from panel to extension and try to transfer via 'Dial' window, I hear DTMF. But if I try to transfer via 'transfer' button, all works fine.

    The issue happens only if call originated from me and I try to transfer by panel. If I transfer with phone (yealink) transfer works.
    Is it asterisk bug?

    PS. Sorry for bad English(
  • edited December 2016
    UPD. Commands in log looks the same. It means asterisk issue.

    -> Action: Atxfer
    -> Channel: SIP/10-00000148
    -> Exten: 20#
    -> Context: incom
    -> Priority: 1

    -> Action: Atxfer
    -> Channel: SIP/10-00000149
    -> Exten: 20#
    -> Context: incom
    -> Priority: 1
  • try using t *and* T dial options.
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