PIAF Reload Warning

I've installed FOP2 and the admin module in my PIAF system. It works great, except that whenever I do a freepbx reload (after changing something) I get the following warning message:

Error Could not reload FOP server

Could not reload the FOP operator panel server using killall -HUP op_server.pl. Configuration changes may not be reflected in the panel display.
Added 19 hours ago

Looks like it's still trying to reload fop, even though I've moved on to fop2. It looks like fop2 is not being reloaded (the PID remains the same after a reload), though I haven't seen that causing any trouble.

Have I missed something in the installation? How should I clean this up?



  • FOP2 is a standalone application, it has its own init scripts and it does not depend on FreePBX or any other external scripts.

    The error you see is for FOP(1), not sure what you did to disable (or not) FOP1, the best way is to set FOPRUN=false in /etc/amportal.conf , that should prevent the amportal scripts to try to start/restart/reload FOP(1) and prevent that error from showing. But that is a freepbx issue, not a fop2 issue.

    best regards,
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