How can I change the language in Phonebook


Is there a way to change the language for phonebook?
I could change anything in German ... only the phone book does not.



  • If you set the language to "de", the phonebook should be translated too, unless your php sessions are broken somehow, you could force the language by modifying config.php and removing the checking of the language session variable.
    if(isset($_SESSION[MYAP]['language'])) {
       $language = $_SESSION[MYAP]['language'];
       if(!is_file("lang/$language.php")) {

    Just set language to "de" and remove the if(isset... block. However, if your sessions are working, the phonebook will inherit the language set in js/presence.js

    Best regards,
  • I've done everything. But it's still English.
    Even the phone book and recording is on the same page.
    And can not see the recording. In the Linux directory I see the recording files.
  • If you do what I said in the config.php file, you will see the phonebook in german/de. Try to catch me on the live help and I will show you.

    The recordings are not enabled by default, you have to edit fop2.cfg and uncomment the monitor_exec line so it executes the script when a recording is finished.

    Best regards,
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