FOP 2.26 Released

[h]FOP 2.26 Released[/h]

Version 2.26 is (rushed) out!

Because of the new Firefox 11 that now has websocket support enabled by default, with a handshake implementation that the old fop2 server did not recognize. So I have to rush out a little bit this new release.

You can get it from the download page.

Here is the list of bug fixes / new features

Web UI / Client

* fop2_client: Bugfix. Destroy php session on logout
* fop2_client: New CDR module
* fop2_client: Show conference count/participants in the button
* fop2_client: Upgrade Styles for grid applications (voicemail, phonebook)
* fop2_client: Update jcallback to include conference button sample
* fop2_client: Faster effects when switching tabs in voicemail and apps
* fop2_client: Bugfix. Transfer external button disabled when granular permissions are set.
* fop2_client: Bugfix. Show whisper button when spy permission set.
* fop2_client: Update language files to include new features (google translate, ugh!)
* fop2_client: Add fop2 callbacks for external transfers
* fop2_client: Support for eventwhencalled=vars in popups (get all channel variables on agent connect)

Server / Scripts

* fop2_server: Fix websockets detection for Firefox 11
* fop2_server: Do not send online alerts to unauthenticated clients
* fop2_server: Accept mychan client parameter to set the logged in user channel (for hotdesk)
* fop2_server: Do not blacklist localhost for auth request. Might fix lost sessions in php.
* fop2_server: Show error an exit if there are no fop2.cfg files available.
* fop2_server: Supports arrays in manager events (for eventwhencalled=vars)

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