FOP2 server requires constant restarts
The latest update of my licensed FOP seems to broken its stability. FOP2 server is requiring constant restarts to show ANY controls other than logout on the status screen. "service fop2 restart" stops and starts the service and all the buttons and controls appear. No error reported, such as connection unavailable, when navigating to the fop2 web page just no visible content in the form of extensions, trunks, queues and so forth.
I wonder if this is related to DND status is showing on most phones as DND when in reality that is not the case in FREEPBX or the phones themselves.
I wonder if this is related to DND status is showing on most phones as DND when in reality that is not the case in FREEPBX or the phones themselves.
One thing that might help is gather more information about your config. What is the output from:
/usr/local/fop2/ | grep -i astdb
? Actually the whole content is important, but it will probably disclose sensitive information about your system that you do not want ot make public, that is why it is better to handle this via live help if possible.
Best regards,
Restarting the FOP2 service fixes the problem every time.
As a start, it is important to know what freepbx version are you using, what asterisk version and what fop2 *and* fop2admin versions.
fopadmin 1.2.15
fop2 2.27
the poster "FreerPBXer" described our symptom exactly
Thanks. So what did you do in the FreePBX GUI? Uploaded a recording file ? If it happens to you often, then start fop2 in debug mode and look at the last part of the log file when the issue happens. You can start fop2 in debug mode by settings the options line in /etc/sysconfig/fop2 to be
OPTIONS="-d -X 511 -l /var/log"
Assuming this is related, the DND indicators do not match the station statuses and a new kind of mis information was discovered today. Caller id NAMES do not transfer with the call as shown on FOP2 screen. Yes, asterisk did transfer both the Name and Number from the receptionist to the destination phones. The name that showed up in FOP2 was the name of the receptionist that did the transfer but the NUMBER of the incoming caller.
Callerid is not related at all. What you see in FOP2 is what asterisk advertises via AMI. Anything you see there is sent/set by Asterisk. So, if you see some unexpected callerid after a transfer, that callerid was set by Asterisk and informed in AMI events (the ones fop2 uses). SIP dialog is a totally different thing and it is what make your phone display work. But if you see an inconsistency in the callerid is because asterisk informed it that way. So, the fix is in your asterisk or asterisk config, not in fop2.
Regarding DND there is a common misconception. Phone DND status cannot be monitored by Asterisk (nor FOP2 or any other tool that connects to Asterisk itself). Only if the phone button is programmed to dial a special feature code to Asterisk, or if you set yourself in DND using that feature code directly (like FreePBX *78 / *79) you can then monitor that state with FOP2.
So, phone DND button cannot be monitored, but setting yourself in dnd by featurecode can.
Restarting the FOP2 service re-indicates the extension is in DND but asterisk delivers calls all the same.
astdb in itself does nothing, you have to write your own dialplan macros to act according to them. Not sure if you are using FreePBX or not, or in what way, but it seems your dialplan is not checking the DND/xxx database entry. The dialplan is not something fop2 cares about. Up to that point, it is asterisk and your dialplan config that should be checked.
Take into account that fop2 can also be altered to not set the DND astdb entry but issue a queue member pause instead. Version 2.27 has two plugins that change behavior, you can have one or the other, but not both.
I issue these commands to inform asterisk and fop2 about my intentions:
database put fop2state SIP/30 "Do not Disturb"
database put DND 30 YES
Asterisk responds properly by refusing calls to extension 30 and directly routes calls to VM.
FOP2 does not update the DND indicator on the status page.
IF I do:
database del fop2state SIP/30
database del DND 30
Again asterisk responds correctly and resumes sending calls to extension 30.
FOP2 does not change the DND indicator.
Service FOP2 restart updates the display indicators.
At this point I've manually removed all fop2state/SIP/xxx entries and the display screen is clear of DND indicators. I'll let it run unmolested for a day and see what happens.
I do not event know why we are discussing this on this topic that has nothing to do with dnd indications? In any case, here is the post you need:
View Post 1405#p5495
These are my system specs;
Asterisk: 1.4.22-4
Linux: 2.6.18-128.1.10.e15
FOP framework:
FOP2 Admin: 1.2.13
Is this debug line edit in fop2 sysconfig location valid for my system also? Also, once it fails again, where would the log files be located? i am fairly new to trixbox & freepbx. Also not very Linux savy (Thank God for Google!).
You should consider updating fop2 (and also asterisk, your version is now outdated).
Best regards,
How do I update the fop2 version? I looked through the "packages/module" updates and do not see it.
These are the upgrades I see;
two - Astra Telecom XML scripts upgrades. (v2.1.1-1 & v2.3.0-1) (not sure if I need to upgrade these)
two - tbm-GUIcore - The base of the Trixbox GUI modules (v2.6.2.3-1 & v2.6.2.5-1) (probably should upgrade)
I will edit the fop config to add the debug code and wait for it to fail again then check the logs.
Thanks for your help
Best regards,
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Any idea of what is causing this?
Best regards,