Dynamic line display

Just upgraded a customer to 2.30 and selected the dynamic line display and no lines are displayed in the screen. before we had a single line. most of the time the user uses a single line and we can adjust the display to fit all buttons.
How do I setup so it will show 1 line then if more is used it will show more?
The problem is that when the call expands the display the button moves and the operator will need to hunt for it.
if it has to move it should move to a predictable place, perhaps the whole line should expand down and the button stay where it is.



  • You do not have to use dynamic line display, but instead set the number of lines to show (shoLines). Log into the fop2 manager (http://your.server/fop2/admin), select Settings and adjust showLines to 1. Then reload fop2.

    Best regards,
  • Hello
    i've update to 2.30
    may be i've made an error
    i've already Version 2.29.01 on screen !!
    and i don't find settings when i go to fop2/admin
    so i can't change number of lines
    FOP2 Manager - Version 1.1.0

    many thanks for any help
  • Version 2.29 settings are in the file /var/www/html/fop2/js/presence.js, you can edit that file and edit by hand. If you have 2.30, only then the settings will be available via the FOP2 Manager. It does not work for previous versions. So, if you have 2.29, edit the presence.js file, or be sure to do proper upgrade of FOP2 to the latest release (download the last .tar.gz, extract and run 'make' to upgrade, and then restart fop2).

    Best regards,
  • thanks for your help
    i try to reinstall
    download the last .tar.gz : 2.30.02
    uncompress and make
    reload fop2 via fopadmin
    and have still 2.29.01 on screen ?

    What is the best solution to reinstall completly
    ( i'm using freepbx )

  • Did you restart fop2?? you must restart it after upgrading files:

    service fop2 restart

    You can check the version via the command line with

    /usr/local/fop2/fop2_server -v

    Best regards,

  • Thanks again
    i understand my error
    i click only fop2admin to reload fop2
    after service fop2 restart command
    it's ok

    Many thanks again
  • and of course i can change my number of show lines now ...

  • You do not have to use dynamic line display, but instead set the number of lines to show (shoLines). Log into the fop2 manager (http://your.server/fop2/admin), select Settings and adjust showLines to 1. Then reload fop2.

    Best regards,
    The idea is the other way around, display 1 line and when set to dynamic it will display 2 or 3 only when it is used making the changes to the alignment seldom and perhaps more predictable.
    The problem is that all do not fit in one screen with 2 lines that are seldom used (in my case at least) :)
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