trunk lables and names

I have yet to figure out how to get the trunks to display the calls. I have a 4 line POTS card and the call it always is displayed in the last button being that DAHDI/1-1 or DAHDI/2-1 or DAHDI/g0.
The IAX2 trunk did not display incoming calls so I added IAX2-br1 (the named of the incoming trunk) and it started to work, I try the same for the POTS but nothing makes it display on the proper button.
I look in the database and the entry show in the "mail" field but the iax is correct, I try to manually enter the number in the database but the panel wont start.
What is the correct syntax to enter the dahdi ports? how about "g0" or another group?



  • Log into the fop2 manager, go to the buttons tab and for Zap/DAHDI channels you must enter a channel range. If its only one line, you still need to enter a range, like


    To separate four different channels into their own buttons.

    Best regards,
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