Can't listen to port 4445...

I am installing FOP2. I followed the instructions best I could. Here is the issue:

I run: ./fop2_server and get "Can't listen to port 4445"

1. I have created a manager in Asterisk API with the correct credentials.
2. I have disabled FOP1
3. I have done a "netstat -an | grep 4445" and the output is: tcp 0 0* LISTEN 2716/fop2_server

4. I do a "/usr/local/fop2/fop2_server --test" and get "Connection to Manager O.K.!"
5. I've restarted

I have Trixbox 2.8, Asterisk 1.6, FreePBX 2.5.2.

I was having trouble with FOP1. I was getting the flashing red buttons but no connection. The only thing I can think of is there is a file in usr/src that still has old credentials in it? I really haven't a clue and am completely baffled on how to get this going with my set-up. Anyone have and advice on this matter?


  • netstat -lnp | grep 4445

    Try that, it will tell you who has the port already open. If you have fop1 ( or perl), change fop1 port to something else editing /var/www/html/panel/op_server.cfg or disable fop1. If the process is fop2_serve, then your fop2 is already running, you do not need to start it again.

    Best regards,
  • O.K.

    netstat -lnp | grep 4445
    tcp 0 0* LISTEN 2716/fop2_server

    Only fop2_server is showing. I was able to login to fop2 locally but still show no activity on my active extensions. I have flash player 10.* installed. This is the same problem I had with FOP1 but all the extensions flashed red intermittently.

    What might be the problem? Thank you Nicolas.
  • If you are able to login then you do not have firewalling problems. Now, if you see no activity on extensions, but the manager connection test is successful, the most probable cause of misconfiguration is a too restrictive set of permissions in the manager user inside /etc/asterisk/manager.conf. Give that user the "all" permissions.

    Best regards,
  • here is my manager.conf. This should be sufficient then, right?
    ; Asterisk Call Management support
    enabled = yes
    port = 5038
    bindaddr =

    secret = amp111
    read = all,system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,originate
    write = all,system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,originate

    #include manager_additional.conf
    #include manager_custom.conf

    I'm still getting " Can't listen to port 4445" still after running "./fop2_server" from "cd /usr/local/fop2"... Must be because it's already running...then I tried ./fop2_server restart" after buying and registering a license and get the same thing. How do I properly restart the service because I'm still only showing 15 buttons?
  • Hello,

    The service IS RUNNING. Do not start it again, it will fail with that error. The service is not started by running the binary, but using the init script:

    service fop2 [start|stop|restart]

    If you were able to login, then your fop2 is already running, and you do not need to start it again. Restarting the service is not going to make it work different.

    First try to determine what is your problem and then focus on fixin that problem.

    Your problem now is that you can login and you do not see activity? Is that your problem?
  • Re reading your post you say you created a manager user using the Manager API, that means that you are not connecting to asterisk manager with the admin user, am I right? In that case, the permissions you posted are not for the user you created. Just set fop2.cfg to the admin user with amp111 secret. Then restart fop2

    service fop2 restart
  • Alright. It's working but I'm not sure what fixed at. We just checked it and everything was alright. Thanks for your help Nicolas!
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