Action png files not in color anymore


Just re-registered my FOP2 (I never got the maintenance extension for a couple years. But in all your site and everywhere I can find, the action bar png files are a black background with yellow and other colors for the icons (llamar.png for example. However now my panel has more of a monochrome icon (Black image on grey background -- not to be confused with greyed out -- not available)

I had the icon (png) files from before and uploaded them but they still come out in Black/Grey -- on 3 different browsers. Any idea what happened? I have tried restarting both fop2 and httpd still no joy -- I do not like the monochrome look.

Thanks for any help


  • Hi,

    Icons are now fonts instead of images, that way FOP2 display is truly responsive and works well on most displays without losing any functionality (just the colors).

    I am not totally sure if you can use custom themes to get it back to icons, probably yes, but I have not really tried.
  • The theme css file shows the URLs for the .png files - so how do I make the panel use them? Also for transfer to a parking lot I dail one code but for a transfer to an extension I need to dial *89 (*TX) in my sterisk this plays a recording that says "Transferring to extension XXX, VM Greeting name." where can I change this in the panel - if possible?

  • If you use a freepbx/issabelpbx based distro, the prefix for dialing/transferring to voicemail is taken directly from the backend configuration (table globals, variable VM_PREFIX or in the featurecodes table -depends on your version-). So if you configure in your backend the prefix to be *89 , then fop2 will pick it up.

    If you do not want to change that in your backend, then you will have to alter FOP2 Manager code, in functions-freepbx.php and just force the prefix in there, in functions extensions_check_extensions_freepbx, just below the block that performs the above check, around line 192 of current version, add


    As for the theme, it will take some time to see if you can use custom themes to revert back to images. If I come up with something I will write an entry in the knowledgebase and probably FAQ (

    Best regards,
  • Ok, I took the time to create the theme file to revert to the original image icons for toolbar buttons, it is explained here:

    And for archive purposes, here are the contents you need to write into /var/www/html/fop2/css/custom_theme/theme.css
    .actionbutton {
    .fop2-dial {
      background: url(../../images/toolbar/llamar.png) no-repeat;
    .fop2-dial:before {
      content: ''
    .fop2-transfer {
      background: url(../../images/toolbar/transferir.png) no-repeat;
    .fop2-transfer:before {
      content: ''
    .fop2-supervised_transfer {
      background: url(../../images/toolbar/supervised_transfer.png) no-repeat;
    .fop2-supervised_transfer:before {
      content: ''
    .fop2-vmail_transfer {
      background: url(../../images/toolbar/transferir_a_voicemail.png) no-repeat;
    .fop2-vmail_transfer:before {
      content: ''
    .fop2-mobile_transfer {
      background: url(../../images/toolbar/transferir_a_movil.png) no-repeat;
    .fop2-mobile_transfer:before {
      content: ''
    .fop2-pickup {
      background: url(../../images/toolbar/pickup.png) no-repeat;
    .fop2-pickup:before {
      content: ''
    .fop2-spy {
      background: url(../../images/toolbar/espiar.png) no-repeat;
    .fop2-spy:before {
      content: ''
    .fop2-whisper {
      background: url(../../images/toolbar/susurrar.png) no-repeat;
    .fop2-whisper:before {
      content: ''
    .fop2-hangup {
      background: url(../../images/toolbar/cortar.png) no-repeat;
    .fop2-hangup:before {
      content: ''
    .fop2-record {
      background: url(../../images/toolbar/record.png) no-repeat;
    .fop2-record:before {
      content: ''
  • OK- I'll have to suffer with the monochrome, as the icons do not fit the 'squares' from the 'font' variants. It woks but the old way looked better in my opinion but the file you posted the icons were smaller AND 3 were still font like. also I didn't say transfer to VOICEMAIL is *89 - I want any transfer EXCEPT to Parking Lot to be *89 (it plays a recording announcing where they are headed, I do not want that (*2+PL[70])but since it is the same 'icon' that is one or the other so that won't work either. Sorry to waste your time but neither are what I am looking for.

    Thanks anyways
  • [attachment:5927a4313b4d2]

    Looks fine for me, perhaps you forgot the padding 0 for the action button.

    As for the extension used for transfers, is defined in the extension header in all button definitions, you can change that to whatever you like.
  • edited May 2017
    Icons look fine for me, perhaps you forgot the padding 0 for the actionbutton class?

    As for the target extension to transfer to, just change the extension header on the button configuration to whatever you like. That extension is the one used when you transfer to..

    Best regards,
  • This is what they look like to me -- and no I did not forget the padding:0; as I copied what you had above. Like I said not important I just don't like bland monochrome, but I am not turned off by it - I just liked the buttons in color. They are not even and the last 3 are not there at all so it looks evenn more stupid - Just leave it alone, not that important

    Extension header? Where / how to change as it I didn't see it on the buttons section of /admin/ .

    What I need is for "mainly BLIND Transfer" to do this

    call comes in -> click on ext to send call to -> click blind transfer -> Blind Transfer is ## I need to inject *89 BEFORE it dials the {$ext}

    Again these are "nice to have" not 'must work or else' so weather I can get this to work or not doesn't affect the program or my use of it.

    But really don't waste time getting it to work - it is not important.

    Thanks for trying -- I consider this closed now.
  • Hi, I know you consider the color icons closed, but I will still reply as other users might find it useful.

    Those last 3 action buttons come from plugins, so you should follow a similar approach in the individual plugin .css files (/var/www/html/fop2/admin/plugins/xxxx/xxxx.css

    The main action buttons are the ones I listed, it seems you have mixed versions of icon images, you can open them individually and check their size, there is no reason to have one of the correct size and not the others if they share .css data.

    In any case, it is just html/css, nothing else/nothing more. It is not that difficult to alter/modify and make whatever you like with styles and visual representations, always abiding to html/css limitations/constraints.

    As for changing the extension to something else, you must modify the extension header on your configuration. When using automatic configuration you cannot change that via FOP2 manager, but you can change that manipulating the FOP2 buttons table. Suppose you want to try with extension 100, and if I understand correctly, you want transfers to be directed to*89100 instead of just 100. In that case do this
    mysql -u root -p asterisk -e "UPDATE fop2buttons SET extension='*89100' where extension='100'"
    After updating the field, restart FOP2:
    service fop2 restart

    And try to transfer to that extension... if it works and does what you want, then you can do the same for the rest of your extensions.

  • Still not right -- Attended transfer is ## unattended transfer is *2 and to park a call uses the attended transfer (*2)+the parking ext (70).

    What I want is not possible as you stilll don't understand - Short answer for all -It's not possible.

    doing what you suggest would dial *89(EXT) no matter which button you click (Dial, Attended or Blind) and THAT causes errors.

    NOT POSSIBLE - Let it go.
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