FOP2 Not Sending Complete Channel Name for ChanSpy


We are using * with the latest FOP2 (2.20). When using Listen from FOP2 we see ringback to the Listening station but after its answered we never hear the spied on channel (just hear silence) and no Spy is logged on the console.

Our fop2.cfg uses spy options "bq" and our AMI connection as read/write = all.

When running packet capture with ngrep we see the AMI command issued by the fop2_server as:
T 2011/02/23 16:51:52.533770 -> [AP]
Action: Originate.

T 2011/02/23 16:51:52.572979 -> [AP]
Channel: SIP/0004F22F774A.
CallerID: 5001.
Application: ChanSpy.
Data: SIP/0004F22CF7E2,bq.
ActionID: fop2spy!SIP/0004F22CF7E2.
Async: True.

T 2011/02/23 16:51:52.573160 -> [AP]
Response: Success.

Notice how the Data portion only contains the SIP peer name and not the complete Channel ID (which in this case was SIP/0004F22CF7E2-000038f0 via core show channels).

If I manually connect to AMI and issue the exact same Originate Action with the complete Channel ID (i.e. Data: SIP/0004F22CF7E2-000038f0,bq the Spy works correctly (the Spying station gets rung, then Spies on the channel listed in the Data).

That all said, should the fop2_server send the complete Channel ID in the Data portion of the Originate Action or is sending the partial Channel ID (the sip peer name) supposed to be sufficient?




  • The partial name is sufficient, in fact, you can send "SIP" to chanspy, as the parameter chanspy expects is just a prefix, not a full name.
  • Do you have any explanation as to why then when I manually send just a "prefix" of the channel from AMI as opposed to the complete channel id then the channel is never spied upon but if I send a complete channel id it works just fine?
  • Do you have any explanation as to why then when I manually send just a "prefix" of the channel from AMI as opposed to the complete channel id then the channel is never spied upon but if I send a complete channel id it works just fine?

    most probably an asterisk bug. Chanspy does not require a full channel name but a prefix.
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