Setting Label from outside?

we have a special software for hospitality called P$X.
With this software we are setting "on the fly" the cidname of the guest phone.
This means the cidname is changing very often. On every checkin to i.e. "101 Mr. Guest", on checkout to "101 vacant".
So names are not static in this hotel systems.
We do it at moment with a system call and setting in freepbx the ampuser/{ext}/cidname

Is there a opportunity to update the labels on operator panel at checkin/checkout automatic?

Thx in advance

Best regards

Fred Montero


  • It might be possible to hack something using jscallbacks.js, the problem is to make the label persistent, for that you must store them somewhere on the server side, and that makes things much more complicated. If you can use/abuse the device&user mode it would be the best option, there is an user event broadcasted when a user logs in, and a couple of astdb entries stored, you could replicate those to make fop2 change labels when those events are fired.
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