Web page does not update properly

I am having an issue where the call status icons do not always change to green in IE8 when a call is terminated. I also installed Chrome, and the behavior persists.

I logged into the problem machine remotely and watched the remote version of the flash panel along with a local version of the flash panel, and the local version worked properly where the remote version would sometimes not properly update the an extension icon to green.

Our VOIP vendor is basically just generically blaming the workstation, and our secretary is tired of refrshing the panel and re-rntering login info.

Thanks for any assistance.


  • Browser version will not make events work or not work. For your description it seems that remote web clients are missing events? I have seen that when using ISA server for proxying connections from clients, it seems ISA server does not track port mappings correctly, and mangles pakcets or filter them for some reason. There is no solution for that, except use a proxy/router that works correctly.
  • We are having the same problem. Most of our Fop users are agents in a call center taking calls from queues.

    We have buttons that stay orange with the call counter incrementing after the agent hangs up. Checking the queue_log shows the call termination event was logged correctly.

    We also have agents with one pause status on their button and another next to their name on their queue buttons. If it makes any difference, most are members of multiple queues.
  • FOP2 does not read the queue_log file but AMI events. I do not understand that you say you see some pause status in the queue button and some other in the button itself? the pause status is just a clock, it is not different from one or the other? Are you talking about fop2, right? or fop(1) ?
  • I am talking about fop2. We have occasionally seen the clock in the agent button showing they are on pause status but the lines for the agent in the queue buttons on the right side of the display did not change to the clock.

    More commonly, the agent is on a call but the agents shirt color on the icon on the queue buttons is still green. Or they are off the call and the agent button is green, but the queue button shows an orange shirt. I'm looking a queue with six agents right now. Three are on calls and all are wearing green shirts on the queue button.

    I'd like to understand why the status color is changing on one part of the panel and not on the other.

    The bigger concern is the agent button not resetting to it's 'available' display after a call completes. That is what other agents are looking at when deciding who is available to take a transfer.
  • What asterisk version are you using? Are you using FreePBX? What kind of queue members do you use?

    The shirt color in orange after a call is completed happens some times, I was not able to reproduce, track it down, it is most probably because the order of ami events, but the actual extension buttons should work perfectly fine, unless you have some custom dialplan setup using mix of agent, local , etc.
  • We are running asterisk, Freepbx, and FOP2 2.22. All our agents are configured in the queue configuration as dynamic members and add/remove/pause themselves as needed.

    The color mismatch on the queue buttons continues to happen for agents on both incoming and outgoing calls.

    The extension buttons do work. The point is that the agents (and supervisors) are trying to use the Queue buttons to show who is currently added to each queue and of those who is available, and we can't trust the display.
  • If you click the queue button, it will filter the display and show the actual extensions, with the correct state.
  • We can use that as a work around, but it would be good to understand why it's not correct.
  • I mentioned it before... it is not easy to get around that as is a matter of inconsistent event order. It is not something I could reproduce so I can work on a fix. If there is a way to get trigger the problem, that is consistent and works every time, and I can set a test system to get that result, then it will be possible to work on a fix. If not, it is really really hard or next to impossible.

    If you can start fresh, and perform some actions that always gets the incorrect status in the queue button, please let me know so I can reproduce the issue.

    Best regards,
  • To be of any help I'll need to understand what is triggering the state changes. Unfortunately I have no time to dig into the code. Can you provide a description of what is supposed to be happening and what you suspect? I always have at least one agent with the wrong visual state in the queue button, usually more, so if you can point me in the right direction I'll see what I can find.
  • Hi,

    The queue member list is updated any time any event that involves a queue is generated, be sure you have "eventwhencalled=yes" for your queue configuration, that is important too. And there is another setting that I do not like much but might make a difference "eventmemberstatus=yes"

    You do not have to dig into the code, you can help by reproducing the problem. Start fresh, log into your queue, do whatever you do until you see that the orange shirt gets sticky.

    Do this every time, so the behavior is consistent, so you can tell me: I have queues configured in this way, members in that other way, I start fop2, then log an agent in this manner, some call arrives, and BUM the problem happens. EVERY TIME.

    If you can reproduce the issue and tell me the steps to follow to reproduce it locally, then I will be able to work on a fix. If it happens sporadically, then we are out of luck and troubleshooting will be hard as hell.
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