Two features requested

I would like to have the ability to force a user's availability. In other words, make them "available" when they have been sitting in a DND status for a long time. It would be good if this ability was controlled by a separate authority type (like "Force"). We have about 40 users that are members of various queues and this is the most requested feature from my call center managers.

Most of our queues are dynamic and it would be helpful if we could add/remove extensions using FOP2. Especially, removing them when our agents forget to log off the queue as this frequently disrupts incoming call flow. I know this has already been requested by others so mark this as my "support of concept".

Also, It would be very handy to be able to click on a trunk and have it expand to show the actual channel details. Useful for admins like myself for proactive monitoring of system performance and troubleshooting. Maybe this could also be made available through a separate authority type.

Thanks for a great product Nicolas. Keep up the good work.



  • queue management and trunk details are implemented on version 2.10!
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