logging method to show all extensions notifications ??

Hi forum friends,

As i'm a new user, using a Pbxinaflash local server and manage 8 extensions on the same hard cisco phone.

The problem is :

- when logged with an extension (1 from 8), i can't see the others extensions notifications ??. Is there any admin access that could show all notifications ??

- is it possible to show theses notifications outsite of my chrome window (otherwise its not very interesting) ???

waiting for your helrp, regards



  • Not sure if I understand exactly your issue description, this is my assumption:

    notification: call notification on inbound call
    cisco phone with 8 lines
    8 different buttons in fop2

    So you log as extension 1, and see inbound call notifications for extension 1, but as you have a multi line phone, you want to see notifications for 2,3,4,5,6,7,8 also.

    Is that the case?

    If so, FOP2 will never show notifications for OTHER buttons. It is done by design and that will never change. Normal users do not want to have their screen filled with call notifications for different extensions than their own.

    What you need to do is unify all 8 lines in ONE fop2 button/user, instead of having 8 different buttons. You can do that by adding extra channel lines to the button definition, suppose that you have SIP/100 as the first line/channel and it goes up to 107, in that case, as a FOP2 button you need something like
    label=Busy Receptionist with 8 lines

    If you use fop2admin, you can add the channel lines in the channel field in the fop2 buttons page, concatenate them with &.

    The, log as extension 100 and you will see notifications for all SIP/100 to SIP/107. Also the activity will be summed up on just one button.

    Best regards,
  • Hi Nicolas and big thank for your prompt reply :) ,

    Just to say that my needs by using fop2 are mainly :

    - Displaying inbound-calls popup notifications on my screen after looking in fop2 phonebook,
    - Adding new numbers in that database,

    I don't need today to use fop2 panel features.

    For displaying inbound-calls popup notifications I use outCall (without outlook). So my question, if you understand my neeeds if it seems the best way to do this and fi it's possible to disable fop2 popup notifications for inbound calls (the notification is so big and when you 4 notifications on the screen i'm become confused ??

    If you have another best way to meet theses needs, you have a big thank !!

  • Hi,

    I do not understand you exactly, you say you need to display inbound popups, but you also want to disable them?

    in any case, when a call rings your extension or any other channel associated to your extension/button, and before the notification is displayed, a .php script is called (checkdir.php).

    You can alter that file to add your own code, if you look at the default file you will see that you have two type of popups (on phone ringing, or agent connect), and that you can output javascript code, so you can open a popup, call a different .js aplicattion, or whatever. You also have the option to disable the regular notification after running your own code, by returing 0 from the custom_popup function.

    so I think all your needs are covered, but you will have to code it to suit.

    In the neare future I will release a google chrome extension that can be also used to fire popups, so that would be another way, but it is not out yet.
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