Log Pause Reasons

Our call center manager needs to track time spent on pause by reason. Pause/unpause actions are logged in queue_log, and our reporting system (Queuemetrics) can track and report paused time, but the supervisor needs tracking to be more granular.

FOP2 DND status is noted on the Panel but is not logged anywhere. I know there are probably folks that need to be able to pause without DND, but maybe combining DND with pause logging would be easy and not disruptive. The reason codes are already in place, just need the additional pause directive to be logged and DND does a defacto pause as it is.

BTW, we did look at using QM for the pause reasons, but we are not using the agent page now and think it would be an extra confusion to just use it for pauses.



  • FOP2 can be configured to use its presence box (at the top), to set the agent in pause *with* reason, that can be reported via Asternic Call Center Stats Pro. A little bit modification is needed in fop2's FOP2Callbacks.pm and a custom dialplan to set the pauses. It is not *that* hard to implement, but it takes a little bit of time. Having a recipe is also complicated as it is heavily dependant on the way you setup your queue members (FreePBX has different ways to handle queue members depending on version, asterisk itself has several ways, etc.).

    You can open a ticket in support.asternic.biz and we can give you some pointers there. I have no idea how QM handles or if its able to report pause reasons, but most probably the same concept/method we use with Asternic can be extrapolated to QM.

    Best regards,
  • Will do, thanks.
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