Call Queue Hangs up Chanspy

I have a server that has someone listening to a call that came in from a queue... when the same queue is rung again and another agent answers the phone the listening of the first agent disconnects and they have to restart the listening. I don't get any errors in the full log other than Done Spying on channel. I am running Asterisk 1.8 with FreePBX 2.9.



  • Hi,

    Not sure what to say, chanspy should not be affected by any other calls, queues or not involved. Sound like an asterisk bug of sorts. As for FOP2, what version are you using? See if you have persistent_spy=yes in fop2.cfg (that option is being deprecated as recent chanspy versions already have the option to end when the original call ends).

    Best regards,
  • Thanks that was it. They actually like this better so they don't have to hang up the phone every time. Is there a list of options for the FOP2.cfg file anywhere that I can look through?
  • All possible configuration options are always listed on the same fop2.cfg file (commented). If you upgrade fop2 from an older version, then it would be in

    Best regards,
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