Integrate FOP2 Recordings with Asterisk Recordings

Hello I have a question. Is there a way to integrate or merge both the recordings from FOP2 (when you manually record a call) and recordings that is enabled on freepbx extensions?

Right now i can only view recordings that have been manually recorded from FOP2. But i have certain extensions that are set to always record on all inbound / outbound calls.

Im just trying to figure out if there is a way to check all from one spot. i.e. the recordings tab.


  • Hi,

    Your post title is misleading. There is no such thing as "asterisk recordings", as you said you want to use some web tool besides fop2 that is provided with FreePBX (there are more than one tool included there too).

    In any case, fop2 can be set to execute a script when a recording ends, that scripts can do whatever you want. The lat version includes post processing scripts to add recordings to the elastix recordings web tool, that might (or might not) work with the tool you are referring too.

    As we do not know, nor control, all the possible tools, you will have to find your way using the tools already provided. If you use ARI, check what ARI needs to show recordings, and write/modify the script to do that. The elastix script we added inserts a field into the cdr table, but that might not be enough.

    Best regards,
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