I'd like to see some in-depth reviews before diving in.

Can anyone point me to some in-depth, unbiased reviews of FOP2?

My company is looking to integrate it into a new PBX system and we'd like to know what people think, particularly in comparison to some competing products (Fonality HUD, etc.)


  • You might what to use google, not sure if there are in depth reviews, but there are several posts in diverse forums, not affiliated with us at all:

    http://community.spiceworks.com/topic/3 ... perability
    http://www.sollos.com/documentation/fla ... el182.html
    http://pbxinaflash.com/community/index. ... fop2.9684/
    http://www.pbxinaflash.com/community/in ... op2.11348/

    You can "dive in" for free, there is no need to pay for a license to test it. Take into account that FOP2 has evolved, some posts mention lack of park support, that was long been added, etc.

    Also, the quotes on the fop2.com site are real, by real people/users.
  • I'm preparing my test environments, and hopefully this isn't a dumb question but, does FOP2 install on the Asterisk server, or can/do you install it on another server with hooks into the PBX?
  • You can install it on a different server. But take into account that the freepbx based autoconfiguration only works on the local server. There are ways to have auto configuration from remote servers, but that requires some sysadmin work (besides the fop2 installation).
  • I've got FOP2 installed on my Ubuntu VM (13.04 64-bit server) and Asterisk running on a Centos 6 64-bit physical server.

    I've configured the manager.conf file on the PBX and the fop2.cfg file on Ubuntu. I've also added some extensions with groups to fop2.cfg and corresponding VMs to voicemail.conf on the PBX.

    When I run:
    /usr/local/fop2/fop2_server --test
    on the Ubuntu server, I get
    cat: /etc/asterisk/voicemail.conf: No such file or directory
    Connection to manager OK!
    When I run:
    /usr/local/fop2/fop2_server -X 15
    I get:
    cat: /etc/asterisk/voicemail.conf: No such file or directory
    bind: Address already in use at script/fop2_server.pl line 10272

    Is there some more documentation on manual configuration? (manually pointing my FOP2 server to the voicemail.conf, etc) or maybe something simple I'm missing here?
  • Hi,

    If you have manually configured users and buttons, you must comment the last #exec line, the error you get for voicemail.conf is because of the script that is executed in that line, that you most probably do not need nor want to execute.

    Regarding the port, you most probably have FOP1 running and binding to that port, or FOP2 that is already running. You can only have one daemon binding to a specific tcp port at any time. So, if you have FOP1, stop it and then start FOP2. If you have FOP2 already running, you do not need to start it again (or you need to kill the running one if you want to restart).

    You can tell the daemon that is taking the port with the command

    netstat -lnp | grep 4445

    If you see as process name "perl", it is the old FOP1, if you see fop2_server , then it is fop2.

    Best regards,
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