random extension shown active


We have registered 400 SIP extensions and we have modify the display to show only registered extensions (forgot the link, but instructions are on this forum).

Our problem is, when we know all our extension is currently offline, theres a button or two (most of the time only 1 button) is showing extension active (green). The button representing different SIP extension each login (or when we hit refresh).

We're using beta version 64 bit, Asterisk, Firefox 3.

Thank you,


  • Hi Anton,

    You might need to start fop2_server with debug level 15 (./fop2_server -X 15) and watch at the output while you see those rogue buttons appear, and see what manager event is triggering that change. If you can capture that and sent it to me I will be able to look at it, and if its a fop2 bug fix it. But it might also be some kind of registration event coming to asterisk?

    Best regards,
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