Error Installing on FreePBX
Hi i try to install FOP2 on a FreePBX, when i install the modulei have no problem, but when i try to apply the changes govme this error.
If i uninstall the module the error disapear.
Sorry My english
If i uninstall the module the error disapear.
Sorry My english
Reload failed because retrieve_conf encountered an error: 1
exit: 1
found language dir en_UK for broadcast, not installed on system, skipping
found language dir fr for directory, not installed on system, skipping
found language dir en_UK for directorypro, not installed on system, skipping
found language dir en_UK for pagingpro, not installed on system, skipping
[FATAL] SELECT data FROM parkinglot WHERE keyword='parkext' [nativecode=1146 ** Table 'asterisk.parkinglot' doesn't exist]SQL -
SELECT data FROM parkinglot WHERE keyword='parkext'
Trace Back:
/var/www/html/admin/libraries/sql.functions.php:25 die_freepbx()
[0]: SELECT data FROM parkinglot WHERE keyword='parkext' [nativecode=1146 ** Table 'asterisk.parkinglot' doesn't exist]SQL -
SELECT data FROM parkinglot WHERE keyword='parkext'
/var/www/html/admin/modules/fop2admin/ sql()
[0]: SELECT data FROM parkinglot WHERE keyword='parkext'
[1]: getRow
[2]: 2
/var/lib/asterisk/bin/retrieve_conf:683 fop2admin_get_config()
[0]: asterisk
1 error(s) occurred, you should view the notification log on the dashboard or main screen to check for more details.
Best regards,
Thanks a lot
Another question.
On FOP version 1 i enter whitout user and pass and i can transfer any call to any extension in this the only way to enter its whit usar and pass???
its posible to create a user and pass to manage all extensions???
FOP2 is user/extension oriented. You can perform some actions on other extensions , like start a recording, listen/spy, pause/add/remove queue members. But transfers or pickup works only on your extension.
Version 2.27 includes experimental drag&drop support, that lets you redirect any call, similar to FOP1, but it is disabled by default, you have to enabled in /var/www/html/fop2/js/presence.js
Best regards,
Are there any compatibility issues with FPBX 2.11 or should I just download and re-install the latest FOP2 admin module?
I'm running FOP2 v2.26
Many thanks