Change the status of 'paused' queue member to 'away/paused'?

Is there some way to automatically change the visible status of a "paused" queue member to "on break" or "other: paused" ?

I'm unsure of the Asterisk side of things, but apparently our PBX guy has it so that if a queue member neglects to log out (for a restroom break or whatever reason) and misses a call, his phone is placed in a "pause" status, so calls to the queue don't keep getting routed to his phone.

Is there some way to make it so that this status changes his FOP2 button to a different status? (or so that it shows some other indicator to the operator or others?)


  • Hi,

    Do you see the paused status in FOP2? That is all that is actually needed IMHO. Unfortunately, if you use the queue config option to auto pause members, it won't be possible to signal anything else so fop2 could pick it up (as the presence DND option), as the paused is being set by the queue application itself.. that means that you must modify the asterisk queue application (app_queue.c), and see if you can fire different AMI events from there to signal a FOP2 presence change. If you ask me, I would say that it is not worthwhile.

    Best regards,
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