Visual Phonebook Problem

Ok, I am at this point:

mysql> use fop2
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Database changed
mysql> select * from visual_phonebook;
| id | firstname | lastname | company | phone1 | phone2 | picture |
| 1 | john | doe | NULL | 0141123456 | NULL | NULL |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

I have tried both root permissions in config.php and for new user fop2 to connect with database. Also I have turned short tags on in php.ini

Still, when I try to open Visual Phonebook, it seems just empty for me. Any clue what's happening????


  • Empty means as "no records" or "blank page"? If you have configured the dbname, user and pass at the top of config.php, that is all you need and it must work. If the connection with those credentials fails, then the phonebook will try to read /etc/amportal.conf and use whatever database name and credentials are set there.

    If you use freepbx, you should not create a database and do nothing, as it will be auto handled by the application itself. Only if you are not using freepbx you have to create the database/table and setup the correct credentials in config.php
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