Show Extensions With Call FWD set

I have a number of customers asking to be able to see when a extension is set to call FWD and where it is being forwarded to?

Is this in the next release???



  • I replied to you by email. If the call forward is set on the phone, it is not possible to monitor that state (the same as with DND or some other features that might come with your phone). If you use Asterisk to perform the redirection (by means of astdb entries and dialplan magic), then it should be possible to use a tool like FOP to monitor it.

    However, the only state that is currently available to show in fop2 is the DND state as is set from FreePBX, as it can be tied to the presence information in fop2. For call forwarding there is no visual GUI indications to show such a state. It will require a custom fop2 to do that.

    Best regards,
  • If I can set a presense for Lunch Etc. Can I set one for FWD and then modify my extensions_freepbx_override? to do this?

  • It should be possible to modify both the application forward in freepbx to also set a fop2presence astdb entry and userevent as it is done with DND. I am not sure if that would be the best approach anyways, but yes, it is possible to do it.
  • Any plans on putting this functionality in?

  • Not in the standard distribution, at least not by using the presence information. You can hack your way through it, just download the beta and look what I did on the app_dnd in freepbx, and do the same for call forwarding.
  • Feature implemented on FOP 2.20. customastdb to track for special values and display an extra information icon on the extension button.
  • Hi Nicolás, just to add my vote to showing native Asterisk call forward states in FOP2.. Prior to FOP to this was an appreciated feature of the old FOP..

    Each user is issued with 4 numbers eg:

    200 - Cisco 7940 Desk Phone
    300 - Cisco 7912 Home Phone
    400 - Android Softphone
    500 - Windows Softphone

    Only their Desk Phone is in the company ring groups, they then use ARI to change their call forward depending on where they are.. they however frequently forget to un-forward their phones when they get back in the office!

    PS if anyone has a better way of handing this type of user environment we are always open to suggestions!

    Kind regards

  • Hi,

    Since version 2.20 fop2 will show call forward state in extension buttons. If you use freepbx you should not do anything to see them, its a curved arrow icon that shows the call forward number when mouse over.

    You cannot change call forwarding state, but you can see if its forwarded or not. It is done by monitoring the CF astdb entry that is set by FreePBX.

    If you do not see it, it might be because user events are filtered because of insufficient manager permissions, in that case, try to add "all" both to read/write in /etc/asterisk/manager.conf for the user fop2 is using to connect to AMI. Trixbox has a bug that filters user events even if you have the user permission set, only adding "all" or "hud" will get the userevents back.

    Best regards,
  • For others reference we were not seeing it originally because our check refresh rate was too slow. Works great now!

  • I have a problem, I can see the Call Forward icon only after a "fop2 reload" and a FOP2 page refresh.
    Same problem when I disable the CF, the icon appears util fop2 reload and page refresh.
    I am using fop2.26 with asterisk 1.6.
    Any suggestions?

  • Add "all" permissions to your /etc/asterisk/manager.conf read and write lines, then try again.
  • I add "all" permission, but nothing change.
    To avoid fop2 relaod, I set poll_interval to 300, so every 5 minute fop2 update CF status, but to see it on web page, I must force refresh on browser (with login!).
    In next version, could you update the call forward status icon with ajax?
  • FOP2 shows status change with no reload or poll interval. So I do not have to add anything. Did you update the freepbx contexts with the script ? If so, you probably have a bad configuration for your buttons, or Asterisk 1.6 is not broadcasting the correct UserEvents, Are you using Trixbox, trixbox asterisk 1.6 phonecore is broken. Or you are not giving the complete information about your system. if you did not run the script, do it as described here: ... arball.php

    I forgot, please leave poll_interval at is default value. It is not really needed anymore, only if your asterisk is misbehaving, it might do more harm than good.

    Best regards,
  • I'm using AstersikNow 2.0.0 (from /etc/asterisknow-version) with Asterisk and FreePBX Framework
    I updated the freepbx contexts with the script. All buttons work fine, trunks and extension status changes immediatly.
    Only the call forward status does not change.
    How can I verify if Asterisk is broadcasting the correct UserEvents?

    I forgot, congratulation for FOP2! It is a great software!
  • Here is a post telling you how to start fop2 in debug mode:

    View Post 1170&p=4462#p4462
  • I started fop2 in debug mode and these are just few rows from log about call forward activation (my extension is 9803 my cell number is 3481234567, my browser ip is
    ** QUERY CUSTOM ASTDB 9803 CF -> Action: DBGet -> Family: CF -> Key: 9803 -> ActionID: getvar!custom!CF/9803 <- Event: DBGetResponse <- Family: CF <- Key: 9803 <- Val: 3481234567 <- ActionID: getvar!custom!CF/9803 <- Server: 0 => { "btn": "27@GENERAL", "cmd": "astdbcust", "data": "3481234567", "slot": "0" } => { "btn": "27@GENERAL", "cmd": "qualify", "data": "ok", "slot": "0" }

    Below there is the log after I deactivate the call forward:
    ** QUERY CUSTOM ASTDB 9803 CF -> Action: DBGet -> Family: CF -> Key: 9803 -> ActionID: getvar!custom!CF/9803 <- Response: Success <- ActionID: getvar!custom!CF/9803 <- Message: Result will follow <- Server: 0

    I don't know how the fop2 works, but it seems that "astdbcust" are not cleared when the CF is disabled.
    Tell me what other type of information search into log.

  • Below there is the log after I deactivate the call forward:
    ** QUERY CUSTOM ASTDB 9803 CF -> Action: DBGet -> Family: CF -> Key: 9803 -> ActionID: getvar!custom!CF/9803 <- Response: Success <- ActionID: getvar!custom!CF/9803 <- Message: Result will follow <- Server: 0

    Are you sure that is when you deactivate call forward? Here is a sane response when you query a variable that is not present: <- Response: Error <- ActionID: getvar!custom!CF/609 <- Message: Database entry not found <- Server: 0

    If you see something else, your asterisk is broken. What UserEvents do you see when dialing the cf feature codes?

    In any case, I have to mention that Asterisk 1.6 was a devel branch, you should be using 1.8.

    Best regards,
  • In the debug log there are a lot of informations, because the system is working for several users; maybe I fail to filter it. If you want I can email to you the full log.

    Now I can't upgrade Asterisk to 1.8, but I plan to do in next months.

  • I have replied to your email, your capture does not show the userevents that are inserted via for the fop2 dialplan. Did you run that at all? Do you have an extensions_override_fop2.conf file? Is that file included in extensions_override_freepbx.conf file ? Did you modify the cf macros by hand in some way? For instant notification of status change, fop2 inserts a dialplan step to fire a UserEvent. In the capture you sent there is no UserEvent being sent, so the dialplan is not changed or you have some strange issues with manager permissions. But I think the dialplan changes made by the generate_override scripts were not applied correctly.
  • Today I run again "/usr/local/fop2/ -write" and now I can see [app-cf-off] and [app-cf-on] context and now all works well!
    I have understand my probelm: I enabled call forward functions after FOP2 installation!!!
    I didn't think I should re-create the override context.

    FOP2 is a beautiful software!
  • Glad you have it working!

    Best regards,
  • I´m having a similar issue.

    We use the FreePBX `Call Forward Toggle´ feature code to set CF and the extensions_override_fop2.conf does not cover this feature code, so updates to CF status via this feature code are not reflected in FOP2.

    The script only adds dialplan logic for ´Call Forward All Activate´ and for ´Call Forward All Deactivate´.
    Is there a fix for this issue? We really need to use the toggle feature code...
  • You can copy the app-cf-toogle on the override file and add the exact bits of noficiations for the dnd-on and dnd-off on the correct places. It is not a "fix" but just a dialplan that needs to be set. In any case, here is a modified script to handle also the app-cf-toggle macro, let me know if it works fine so I can included it on the next release: ...
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