set which fields to show up in pop up

Hi. I would like to ask if it is possible to set which fields of a contact to show in pop up window when there is an incoming call. For example I want to see the, the name, the number and the company of the person that is calling.
Any help???


  • The company is not something that normally comes from any inbound call, you have to code your own scripts to actually popup a new page that performs a lookup/search to show that information. As that is something totally personal to your system, is something YOU have to code/figure out.

    There are other options, like using cid lookup sources in FreePBX and set the callerid name to whatever result your cid lookup performs (it could append the company to the caller id name). This has to be done outside of fop2 itself. We have written an article on how to use the fop2 database as a cid lookup source:

    There are also third party modules like cid superfecta that can have several ways for doing cid lookups.

    If you want to take a look at coding yourself, the checkdir.php file is the script that is called before launching poups/notifications. You can alter that also to display extra information.

    Best regards,
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