It seems at the moment that the call History takes a while to update and in most cases i have to log out of fop2 and log back in again.
Is their a setting that i can change?
Call history just reads the cdr mysql table that is populated by asterisk. It is usually updated in real time. There is nothing to check on fop2 as it just queries the database, nothing else.
FOP2 2.30.00 with call history plugin enabled, and plain asterisk 1.8:
I'm able to see incoming and outgoing calls, but I'd like that the call history panel will refresh automatically: in this way, it's easy for phone operator to see all missing call when she'll come back from toilet or caffee ;-)
How is it possible to make callbook plugin to refresh automatically its content every time a new call is received or made?
Thanks a lot!
It should refresh automatically. Whenever a HANGUP event is detected, an AMI userevent is generated that will signal the client side (browser) to refresh the call history window. You need to have callhistory or all permissions, and also UserEvents should be enabled/allowed in manager.conf permissions.
I want to thank Nicolas for the great support,
he gave me the right file so, now, the callhistory panel will refresh everytime a new received or sent call terminates.
This is the content of file that you find into DOCUMENTROOT/admin/plugins/callhistory :
$AMI_Event_Handler{'callhistory'}{'HANGUP'} = sub {
my $event = shift;
my @allreturn;
my $canal = FOP2::utils::get_channel(${$event}{Channel});
# We return an array containing valid manager Actions
$return = "Action: UserEvent\r\n";
$return .= "UserEvent: refreshcallhistory\r\n";
$return .= "Channel: $canal\r\n";
$return .= "Family: refreshcallhistory\r\n";
$return .= "Value: 1\r\n";
$return .= "\r\n";
push @allreturn, $return;
return @allreturn;
I'm able to see incoming and outgoing calls, but I'd like that the call history panel will refresh automatically: in this way, it's easy for phone operator to see all missing call when she'll come back from toilet or caffee ;-)
How is it possible to make callbook plugin to refresh automatically its content every time a new call is received or made?
Thanks a lot!
he gave me the right file so, now, the callhistory panel will refresh everytime a new received or sent call terminates.
This is the content of file that you find into DOCUMENTROOT/admin/plugins/callhistory :
$AMI_Event_Handler{'callhistory'}{'HANGUP'} = sub {
my $event = shift;
my @allreturn;
my $canal = FOP2::utils::get_channel(${$event}{Channel});
# We return an array containing valid manager Actions
$return = "Action: UserEvent\r\n";
$return .= "UserEvent: refreshcallhistory\r\n";
$return .= "Channel: $canal\r\n";
$return .= "Family: refreshcallhistory\r\n";
$return .= "Value: 1\r\n";
$return .= "\r\n";
push @allreturn, $return;
return @allreturn;