FOP2 works in IE, not FireFox

We use FOP2 quite a bit. A couple of days ago, for no apparent reason, but who knows what got updated, it quit working in Firefox. In trying to figure it out today I discovered that on my desktop computer it works in IE, but not in Chrome nor FireFox. It gives the password screen and then does the count of attempts.
Since it works in IE, I know that my firewall rules are good, I have connectivity, the server is running, etc.
What am I missing?


  • Most probably you have an old FOP2 version , like 2.24 or older. You will have to update FOP2 to the latest version in that case if you want it to work with latest versions of Chrome and Firefox, because those browsers changed the websocket implementation to the latest draft, but with no backwards compatibility. IE is not affected because it does not support websockets at all, and FOP2 uses xmlsockets (from flash) instead. Another thing you can try if you cannot/do not want to upgrade FOP2, is to disable websockets. Firefox lets you do that via about:config. Chrome does not have that option as a setting.

    Best regards,
  • We have the websockets disabled to no avail.
    I am fine with upgrading as we are running 2.23.
    Where are instructions for upgrading to the most current?
    Do I need to do anything with my license?
  • I got the upgrade, but now the footer shows:
    var zh = findHighestZ(); var foot = $("footer"); var template = Base64.decode("PGg0PjxhIHRhcmdldD0iX2JsYW5rIiBocmVmPSJodHRwOi8vd3d3LmZvcDIuY29tIj5GT1AyPC9hPiAtIFZlcnNpb24gPHNwYW4gaWQ9ImZvcHZlcnNpb24iPiN7dmVyc2lvbn08L3NwYW4+IC0gTGljZW5zZWQgdG8gPHNwYW4gaWQ9ImZvcGxpY2Vuc2UiPiN7bGljZW5zZX08L3NwYW4+IC0gQ29weXJpZ2h0ICZjb3B5OyAyMDA5LTIwMTMgTmljb2wmYWFjdXRlO3MgR3VkaSZudGlsZGU7bzwvaDQ+"); if(currentrelease !== "") { if(demoversion == "0") { document.title = "Flash Operator Panel 2"; foot.update(new Template(template).evaluate({version: currentrelease, license: currentlicense}), "after" ); } else if(demoversion == "1") { document.title = "Flash Operator Panel 2"; foot.update(new Template(template).evaluate({version: currentrelease, license: currentlicense}), "after" ); } else if(demoversion == "2") { document.title = "Flash Operator Panel 2"; foot.update(new Template(template).evaluate({version: currentrelease, license: currentlicense}), "after" ); } = "visible"; = "block"; = "#AAA"; = "#000"; = "0"; = "0"; = "3px"; = "100%"; = "fixed"; = ""+zh; }
  • Clear your browser cache, you are seeing the old/cached fop2.js version file.

    Best regards,
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