call history not up-to-date since update


since updating from asterisknow 3 to asterisknow 5 with freepbx 12 and updating from fop2.28 to fop2.29 my call history is not up-to-date (phonebook -> call history), connection tests, and login to fop2 works faultless..
I've run
# ./ -write
after updating again, but call history is still showing only calls until update-date

anybody knows how to fix this?


  • call history reads the asteriskcdrdb.cdr table that is normally populated by asterisk in standard default configurations for many distros. You will have to check that table directly, it is not related to FOP2, that information is not stored nor mantained by FOP2, just queried. My guess is that your cdr mysql log is either broken, or being done to some other database/table ?

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