Cisco 525g not showing forward in FOP2

Hello all,

I am having issues with my cisco 525g phones showing call forwarding in the GUI. We have 1 Yeah Link phone and that works just fine. I am using FOP2 Version 1.0.7 and freePBX 10.0.76 and everything is up to date. I can dial *72 and it does the same thing. The forwarding works just doesn't show.


  • FOP2 does not monitor a phone config. It monitors only Asterisk. Call Forward, by default, is done using the Asteridk DB entry "CF/xxxx" that FreePBX uses in its own feature code for call forwarding. If your phone is not programmed to use the FreePBX feature code but uses its own settings, FOP2 won't monitor their states... that goes also to DND or other possible modes you might have.

    Best regards,
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