Not show Queues, trunks and some extensions
Hello, I have the FOP2 on Demo Mode on Elastix 2.5, they not show queues, trunks and some extensions. I was created one group and select 13 extensions queues and trunks, but the only show 12 extensions nothing more. Is this a limitation of Demo mode or can do anything to resolve this ? tried run "php /var/www/html/fop2/admin/update_conf.php" and "service fop2 restart" but nothing change.
# php /var/www/html/fop2/admin/update_conf.php
Updating buttons for context GENERAL
# service fop2 restart
Shutting down Flash Operator Panel 2: [ OK ]
Starting Flash Operator Panel 2: [ OK ]
# /usr/local/fop2/fop2_server --test
Flash Operator Panel 2 - License file fop2.lic not found.
Running in Demo Mode
Connection to manager OK!
# php /var/www/html/fop2/admin/update_conf.php
Updating buttons for context GENERAL
# service fop2 restart
Shutting down Flash Operator Panel 2: [ OK ]
Starting Flash Operator Panel 2: [ OK ]
# /usr/local/fop2/fop2_server --test
Flash Operator Panel 2 - License file fop2.lic not found.
Running in Demo Mode
Connection to manager OK!
Best regards,