FOP2 Aastra Parking Problem.
Hi, i'm using FOP2 fow quite some time now, and i think it is strating to be really good, but i have a problem since a long time and i can't find why.
When i try to transfert a call to my parking lot that is at 70, if i use the transfert buttons on my Aastra phone, dial 70 and it transfert again, it hang up the call and i seed the caller on the FOP2 interface as parked. But if i use the Park button on the Aastra phone, it call the parking lot, tell me the parking lot number just as above, and i see the call on the FOP2, but as soon as i hang up my phone, the Parked call disapeer from the FOP2, but it is still parked. So i really have a big bug there and it would be really nice to have this option to work. Thanx a lot!
When i try to transfert a call to my parking lot that is at 70, if i use the transfert buttons on my Aastra phone, dial 70 and it transfert again, it hang up the call and i seed the caller on the FOP2 interface as parked. But if i use the Park button on the Aastra phone, it call the parking lot, tell me the parking lot number just as above, and i see the call on the FOP2, but as soon as i hang up my phone, the Parked call disapeer from the FOP2, but it is still parked. So i really have a big bug there and it would be really nice to have this option to work. Thanx a lot!
The really big bug is probably not in fop2 but in the asterisk version you have and using native attendant transfers on sip phones to a parking extension. FOP2 interprets the AMI commands, if it gets an AMI command of a channel being destroyed or a call being unparked, it will remove the call from the parking lot. The most probable cause is an incorrect AMI event of a channel being destroyed after the sip native transfer to the parking lot.
Try doing the same but using Asterisk native transfers, and not your phone transfer. You will see that it will probably work as expected. Maybe it will also be fixed if you update asterisk to a recent version, only way to know is by testing. I do not have aastra nor cisco phones myself to try, and I do not make test with every aterisk version, but with Asterisk 1.4.30 and using native asterisk transfers it works perfectly well.
Best regards,