Getting FOP infos from another server

We are trying to build a general administration page for our staff, where there is many work info besides the FOP2 info. The script is on a different server from FOP and we want to bring the list of all of the agents in one group (to see who's available or not) back to our administration. But it seems like we cannot make a simple FOP iframe on our administration for some security reasons I understand.
For example, we thought about trying something as easy as:
<iframe width="750px" height="760px" src="http://[server]/fop2/?exten=[ext]&pass=[password]"; scrolling="no" frameborder="0"></iframe>

The direct link works but not the iFrame.

Do you have another idea besides using an iFrame to collect precise data from another server, like the list of all busy lines?



  • I think fop2 in itself does not have any restriction, but browsers might prevent websockets from working inside an iframe, I really do not know about it... if page is served on the same domain, then the browser should allow it (the restriction is the same domain policy implemented in browsers). So if you have a page in and you have fop2 on it might work.

    Best regards,
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