translate issue

Hi! I have some issue with translate to my language. Please show me, how can I translate this. I tried to change lang/, but it doesnt work.

The first picture - charset issue, 2,3 - there is English instead my lang.


  • Hi! I have some issue with translate to my language. Please show me, how can I translate this. I tried to change lang/, but it doesnt work.

    The first picture - charset issue, 2,3 - there is English instead my lang. People from call-center do not like it=(
  • You can set $language="ru" in config.php, did you try that?
  • edited December 2016
    yes, I did. All translated good except on my picture=(
    call recordings and call history pages
  • Open the user preferences once you log into FOP2 and be sure the *user* language is set to russian also. As individual preference will override the global/default language.

  • edited December 2016
    Yes, its already set. All interface is translated good exeption this 2 page. And its problem with russian named queue in pop-up and plugin on the first picture. Russian named queue showed correctly in other cases.
  • I tried the recordings interface, set it to russian, I see it all in russian, with no english text, so somehow you are not loading the ru.php file for those applications. (what are not translated are database field names). Those apps use a grid application that uses translated text natively to whatever language file its loaded... you know your ways around php so you can check that out as php code is not encumbered/encoded.

    I have not checked the queue stats plugin, but I did check the recordings interface.
  • edited December 2016
    Sorry, after changing 'language=ru' recording interface is fine. But call history is not=(

    PS. I was trying to edit js/lang_ru.js, it was my mistake. New to add to lang/ru.php
    $lang[$mylang]['inbound']  = "входящие";
    $lang[$mylang]['outbound']  = "исходящие";
    $lang[$mylang]['All']  = "Все";
    $lang[$mylang]['Date']  = "Дата";
    $lang[$mylang]['Direction']  = "Направление";
    $lang[$mylang]['Number']  = "Номер";
    $lang[$mylang]['Duration']  = "Длительность";
    $lang[$mylang]['Billsec']  = "Разговор";
    $lang[$mylang]['Disposition']  = "Статус";
    $lang[$mylang]['BUSY']  = "ЗАНЯТО";
    $lang[$mylang]['Busy']  = "Занято";
    $lang[$mylang]['NO ANSWER']  = "НЕТ ОТВЕТА";
    $lang[$mylang]['No answer']  = "Нет ответа";
    $lang[$mylang]['ANSWERED']  = "ОТВЕЧЕН";
    $lang[$mylang]['Answered']  = "Отвечен";
    $lang[$mylang]['FAILED']  = "НЕУДАВШИЙСЯ";
    $lang[$mylang]['Failed']  = "Неудавшийся";

    It will translate all call history page.
  • Thanks, I will update the translation file. As for the modal window title, edit index.html and look for:

    'modal-title cdrtitle'

    and change it to:

    'modal-title cdrhistorytitle'

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