Can Queues list be ordered?
I originally created 2 queues, which were listed in numeric order in FOP2. Now I've added 3 more queues, and they are listed above the 2 original queues, even though they have higher extension numbers.
The list is in no discernible order - not numeric, nor chronological in order of creation.
Is there a way to sort, or manually order, the list of queues?
Can anyone tell me how the ordering is done... I could hack a bit if I knew where to look...
The list is in no discernible order - not numeric, nor chronological in order of creation.
Is there a way to sort, or manually order, the list of queues?
Can anyone tell me how the ordering is done... I could hack a bit if I knew where to look...
YES, members of any group can be ordered! Do it in the Admin interface by just dragging & dropping to order the list; then Reload Fop2, reload the user GUI, et voila!
Do the ordering on the "Buttons" tab; it works for extensions, queues, ring groups, etc. There's no visual grab handle; just click anywhere outside of an entry field & drag...