Presence Box DND Integration Help
I have "Presence Box DND Integration" installed on another server. Some of those users have migrated to a new server and want this feature. I am unable to find it in the Plugins Page.
Is there somewhere else that I should be looking or has this plugin been replaced with something else that I am not seeing either. Please help.
Is there somewhere else that I should be looking or has this plugin been replaced with something else that I am not seeing either. Please help.
So what a solution?
All modules and asterisk on debian11 x64. I have update fop2 to 2.31.30 licensed , panel manager to 1.2.1 (1.2.3 not working) and i have vanilla asterisk.
Buttons shows, I manually download plugin and load it to panel manager, it is on disk but in panel it not showed.
I don't need freepbx or dialplan fix. I want to write script which will change agent state to dnd or not.
I tried put to astdb /fop2state/SIP/7485 : Do not Disturb but in web of fop nothing changed.
Module don't work ? What I have to do?
Hi Zak,
No idea what "do not work" means. Too little info. Plugin works as advertised, code for plugin is also in plain, so you can modify it if it does not suit your needs. The plugin will intercept the presence change in FOP2 and write an ASTDB entry and set a Custom Device state, you can modify those from file in /var/www/html/fop2/admin/plugins/presencedndfpbx folder.
Best regards,
I have a similar issue, presencednd is installed but no longer shows up in the list of installed plugins. The folder is still there on the server. We had some customizations several years ago. FOP2 version is 1.1.9 and when users can still use click-to-call after they change their status in FOP2 to one that should set their extension to DND. Previously, this was not the case.