SQL Error during installation
On a fresh install on Freepbx Distro using the single install script I get many errors.
│ literal │
string (102) "256, SQL Error: SELECT * FROM fop2buttons ORDER BY sortorder
(/var/www/html/fop2/admin/dblib.php, 108"
Called from .../functions.php:2592 [fop2manager_error()]
│ literal │
string (102) "256, SQL Error: SELECT * FROM fop2buttons ORDER BY sortorder
(/var/www/html/fop2/admin/dblib.php, 108"
Called from .../functions.php:2592 [fop2manager_error()]
│ literal │
string (103) "256, SQL Error: DELETE FROM fop2setup WHERE keyword='dbready'
(/var/www/html/fop2/admin/dblib.php, 108"
Called from .../functions.php:2592 [fop2manager_error()]
│ literal │
string (148) "256, SQL Error: INSERT INTO fop2setup (keyword,parameter,value) VALUES ('dbready',UNIX_TIMESTAMP(now()),0)
(/var/www/html/fop2/admin/dblib.php, 108"
Called from .../functions.php:2592 [fop2manager_error()]
many more like this......
also,. this.... might be a clue
[root@siphq fop2]# ./autoconfig-buttons.sh
! Cannot connect to FOP2 Manager database
but this also works,..
[root@siphq fop2]# /usr/local/fop2/fop2_server --test
Flash Operator Panel 2 - License file /usr/local/fop2/fop2.lic not found.
Running in Demo Mode
Connection to manager OK (021005)!
** SOLVED **
I had the mysql credentials were not correct. I had to manually set this up for some reason.
edit /var/www/html/fop2/admin/config.php and add the credentials from /etc/freepbx.conf
I think I know what the issue was (could not get correct mysql credentials from freepbx config on newer freepbx distro) and fixed it for the next release (2.31.27).
Best regards,