Phonebook csv import not working

I exported the phonebook, which has just one entry, and then added 2 or 3 additional records and imported. The import gives a "success - imported xx records" but they actually do not appear in the phonebook... It just remains with one entry.

Any clue as to what is happening?



  • Perhaps you are not populating the right Context? you will have to check the visual_phonebook table contents directly:

    select * from visual_phonebook;

    And see if the records are there, and if they are, if the context is the same as the one record you entered by hand.
  • Context was empty in the csv export and I kept it like that in the new records. Could it be that the csv export does not export the real value of context? I don't have access to the system, now, I'll check on monday anyway. Thanks
  • The general context should be empty. You also have the owner and private field. If the private field is not empty and the owner does not match your extension, you won't see the records. Anyways, you will have to check the actual table , maybe the import failed completely and you do not have any records? Only looking at the table context will help us troubleshoot this.
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