hi i have install FOP2 on my FreePBX system and now trying to setup but i cant see the action Bar even the extension user i permit all on the FOP2 admin and also i can only see extension, cant find how to barge , listen or whisper, please help, this only i can see when i open it

ok i got progress since this is only free its available only for 15 extensions
its now displaying the actionBar, but why is it grayed out.? but tried testing the hangup button and it works coz on the sample it has colors on the button, just weird
Guys anyone have idea please
For using those features, the user you're logged as, needs to have appropriate permission "spy". Haven't tested, but it seems so prom the docs: https://www.fop2.com/docs/installation.php#Settingupusers,passwords,permissionsandgroups
Coloured action buttons are icons, and they handle really bad resizing the browser with images. So we switched for FONTS that are perfect for resize and does not deform or hides in certain sizes.
You can always revert for the full color icons following this post:
Best Regards
and regarding grayed out button actions , the grayed out are the TRANSFER buttons, in that moment when you took the screenshot, you were not talking with anyone so transfer is not possible.
Best Regards
After installing the Full Wallboard the Action Bar does not show up on anyone's FOP2 screen when logging in with their extension. I tested this by removing the Full Wallboard and then the Action Bar shows up but as soon as I enable the Full Wallboard the Action Bar disappears.