RPM Installation

This might be a stupid question..

I have downloaded fop2-001-i386-glibc2.5-centos5.tgz and unpackked the archive, but there is no .rpm file inside, only

How does i use this file?


  • Hello, the .rpm package is not ready yet. I will try to pakcage it this week, together with versions for other linux distributions. In the meantime, installation is straightforward, look into the documentation for .tar.gz installation.

    Basically, after unpacking the file you have to issue a:

    make install

    That will perform the installation (excluding configuring mysql tables for the visual phonebook). But after that you will be able to start and stop the service and browser the panel.

    When the RPM is done you will find it in the download secition under the RPM package list. Anyways, it will not be much different to do the "make install" from the tarball.

    Best regards,

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