Full Wallboard - Agent State - Invalid
We have PBXact 15 installed with FOP2 Whitelable,fullwallboard, idletimer, queuestats, speeddial and CS Stats Pro. When an agent changes their presence in the FOP2 panel, the Agent State changes from Free to Invalid.
database show fop2state
shows the states are correct - Meeting, Do not Disturb etc, but the Agent State displays Invalid.
Im sure im just missing something small, I just havent found it yet.
I have tried changing plugins from Queue Pause from Presence box to Presence Box DND Integration (never both at the same time), but both give the same issue. Agent State goes Invalid **when should be **unavailable **or **busy.
I have made the Plugin global but doesnt make any difference.
Can anyone help point me in the right direction to fix the Agent State display? I can see the Possible return values for {STATE} are : unavail, free, ringing, busy, and hold. So Invalid must mean it cant read the new value its being changed to?
Hi Dave,
Did you check the output from:
asterisk -rx "queue show"
And see what state is reported there?
Hi Nicolas, sorry for delay, we now have a full fop2 with wallboard and css pro installed on our own pbx so I can continue this without messing with the clients pbx.

If I put a phone on DND by using the DND button on the phone, its state in the PBX Queue using asterisk -rx "queue show" says its Busy.
The Agent state on FOP2 says Invalid
We would like the Busy state to show as busy in the FOP2 screen. I can see the possible return values for {State} should be : unavail, free, ringing, busy, hold
Is there somewhere I can map Busy to Busy rather than it mapping to invalid?
I have exactly the same case !
Did you solve it ?
do you have any update ?