One Moment Please

When I go to http://server_IP/fop2/ I just get "One moment Please" and a spinning circle.
A test comes back ok
[root@VoIP fop2]# /usr/local/fop2/fop2_server --test
Flash Operator Panel 2 - White Label Version
Flash Operator Panel 2 - Valid License (/usr/local/fop2/fop2.lic)
Flash Operator Panel 2 - Featureset: Basic
Flash Operator Panel 2 - Allowed Tenants: 5

Connection to manager OK (010100)!

Is there a log somewhere that will tell me why it is stuck?


  • [root@VoIP fop2]# netstat -nlp |grep 445
    tcp 0 0* LISTEN 28846/fop2_server
    [root@VoIP fop2]#

    Does not seem to be a FOP1 conflict either.

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