I'm trying to migrate from FreePBX to MirtaPBX. The CDR show an error and context menú doesn't show.

We have a client with FOP2 installed on FreePBX. We want to migrate the client to our MirtaPBX.
We have made the installation of the Lite version of FOP2 on our MirtaPBX to check if there is any problem using FOP2.
The FOP2 panel is working, but there are 2 things that don't work fine:

  • The CDR show an error message and don't show any registers.

  • The context menu doesn't show.

    Is possible that this context menu only works on licensed FOP2? We can't test if the chat works because the option is shown on this context menu, and We can't see it.

We look forward to your answer. Thanks in advance.

Kind regards.
Jordi Romero

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