Blink on ringing

Is it possible to set a colour for the button when the extension is ringing or DND instead of de small icon.
We have 300 extensions so we are thinking to set the lines to 0 but then you don't see if the extension is in dnd or ringing.

And another question, is it possible to see only extensions without the trunks at the right.
I want a hole screen with only extensions. I editting index.htm but then de fop panel stops working correctly.


  • Hello Martin,

    It is not currently possible to change the button color when ringing or dnd. It will require some coding.. I might add the feature on the next release.

    Regarding the index.html, you can modify it to have only extensions, but you have to do it carefully. Basically, you cannot delete or remove container divs for trunks or queues, but you can change its style to be display:none, and for the grid you have to change the class for the extension to fill the whole screen by taking 16 columns, change the grid_12 to grid_16 and the grid_4 for the right column and remove the grid class.

    I believe I will write an alternate index.html with different layouts in the future.

    Best regards,
  • For now it wil work for me with the changed index.

  • Hello,

    This diff file will create an index for showing only extensions:
    --- index.html	2010-07-15 09:50:16.000000000 -0300
    +++ index_only_extensions.html	2010-07-15 09:50:25.000000000 -0300
    @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
         <div class="container_16" id="allbuttons">
    -        <div class="grid_12">
    +        <div class="grid_16">
                 <div class="box" style='width:100%;' id='extensionbox'>
                         <a href="#" id="toggle-extensionlist" class='myclick visible'><span id='extensionstag'></span></a>
    @@ -95,7 +95,8 @@
                     <div class="block" id='extensionlist'></div>
    -        <div class="grid_4">
    +        <div class="clear"></div>
    +        <div class="grid_16" style='display:none;'>
                 <div class="box" style='width:100%;' id='parkbox'>
                         <a href="#" id="toggle-parklist" class='myclick visible'><span id='parkstag'></span></a>
    @@ -120,7 +121,6 @@
                     <div class="block" id='conferencelist'></div>
             <div class="clear"></div>
             <div class="grid_16" id='footer'></div>
  • Any news on making the whole button blink or changing ist color when ringing?
    I really would be thankful of this feature, because the small blinking icon is hard to find ;)
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