Purchased one hour of FOP2 Professioinal Install support - paid the fee - haven't heard back

It's been over 24 hours and, other than receiving a receipt for the payment, have heard nothing as to how I can contact the support. I created a ticket - nothing yet. I tried the AI chat - that was useless. Even called the support phone # and got some message in spanish, so I left a message in English.
Anybody know how I would contact the support I paid for???


  • Have you heard back yet? I have been trying to reach them as well.

  • @jeffmehl - Have you heard back yet? I have been trying to reach them as well.

  • Nope - nothing!!!!

  • Me too

  • Still nothing - it seems they're as bad as iSymphony when it comes to support. I'm gonna call the credit card company for a refund and advise them of this fraudulant transaction.

  • Has anybody heard from support? I have only gotten the chat bot for several months now on fop2 forum.

  • I did receive an email on May 21st from "Agustin" at "tickets@asternic.p.tawk.email" asking for my issues, to which I did respond. However I haven't heard anything back since then. I'm gonna send a follow-up email now that I'm thinking about it. (Thanks for reminding me!!) :)

  • I have the same issue, i contacted Nicolas and Agustin for 3 different emails and no reply, and via phone number they dont reply. i dont know what happend to asternic support. i been waiting more than 15 days

  • We have paid for support hours and still received no reply for months now.
    I use to talk with Augustin using fop2.com chat but they replace for a useless "AI"
    Please let me know if you get any answer, will do the same if I get in touch

  • This is really annoying! We've been using iSymphony for years, but now they've disappeared (they'll take your $$ but no tech support responses at all). So we considered FOP2 as an alternative and, as I noted above, I paid the $100 in May (3 months ago) for one hour of tech support and, except for one email from Agustin asking for details, I've never heard anything back.
    There HAS to be a viable alternative to iSymphony and/or FOP2 that actually has a working business model rather than simply a rip-off!

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