license on docker container became invalid after restart

i purchased fop2 for two docker customer containers. I stupidly didn't realise it bound the license to the container's random mac address (warning to anyone out there). when i restarted the containers, it said the hardware had changed and no license i tried to revoke it but it said i could not on this machine. Both containers were purchased for US$60 apiece. I have been calling and emailing since September 7th. AI says - "Thank you for providing your FOP2 license code. I will now call in a human to assist you with revoking your license. Please hold on for a moment." is there any human who can assist? I'm sure you're overloaded with support requests. I have since figured out how to start up with fixed MAC addresses, so I promise to ask only once (per these two licenses).

Best Answer

  • Accepted Answer

    The magic solution is to go to, sign up using the email you purchased the license with and everything you need will be in one place. Didn't find that anywhere in documents or forum, so thought I'd update here to help anyone else tearing their hair out.

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