No Login

Hi I have the latest asterisk on Cent OS 5 with Freepbx…
I have installed Fop2 easily enough and tested the connection and it works.
I try to login and the login window pops up and I type my credentials but get no further… it hangs and tries many times to login.


  • I'm having the same issue. I hope someone answers soon. :D
  • Hello anyone...
    Fop2 isn't much good with out the FO Panel ...!
    I'd like to buy but with this level of support I'm not going to since I can't even get this working and no help....
  • a) If you are asked for login several times, it means the credentials you are passing to login are wrong. You have to use an extension and the voicemail secret (by default). Or you have to install the fop2admin freepbx module and change passwords from the fop2 users page.

    b) If you see that the system tries to connect to the server several times after entering the extension and secret only once, it means that:

    1) the flash player is not installed or is blocked in your browser
    2) port 4445 is filtered or not open
    3) fop2_server is not running

    A and B are different issues, the first one is due to user misconfiguration or misuse, the former one is harder to debug as there are several things to check. Flashblockers are an issue, firewalls are another issue, or maybe the fop2_server was not running for some reason or was configured once to run on a different port, and that might causes problems as config data is cached on the browser, etc.

    Any of these problems are addressed in the FAQ, and several times in this forum. Live support will be offline for another week, but I will be back for live support after july 31st.

    Best regards,
  • a) If you are asked for login several times, it means the credentials you are passing to login are wrong. You have to use an extension and the voicemail secret (by default). Or you have to install the fop2admin freepbx module and change passwords from the fop2 users page.

    no its not the above

    b) If you see that the system tries to connect to the server several times after entering the extension and secret only once, it means that:

    yes as above...

    1) the flash player is not installed or is blocked in your browser
    no it is installed and working... I have tested from many machines
    2) port 4445 is filtered or not open
    no that is not it...Firewall is open ....
    3) fop2_server is not running
    it is running....I have done the ...

    [color=#800040:jvgidmuc]# /usr/local/fop2/fop2_server --test
    Connection to manager OK![/color:jvgidmuc]
  • So any further advice welcome....
  • The --test option in the fop2_server will not show you if the daemon is running, it will only test the manager connection. If you have also FOP1 installed and working, it will be using port 4445 by default, and the fop2_server will not be able to stay running because the port is already being in use.

    netstat -lnp | grep 444

    Look at the output from the above command, if you see port 4445 in use by fop2_serve , then fop2 IS running and you are ok. If in the other hand you see PERL as the process, the port is taken by fop1. If that is the case, change fop1 port to 4446 by editing /var/www/html/panel/op_server.cfg and modifying the listen_port directive, then restart fop1. After that start fop2 and check with netstat as above that both ports are being used by the two daemons.

    If fop2_server is running, listening on port 4445, and you still cannot connect, try from another browser/machine. I have seen some cases where supposedly they do not have firewalls or flash blockers, and the flash player is correctly installed, but it fails to connect, while on a different machine it works ok. As I have never experienced the problem myself I do know know why a few users experienced that issue, but it is FOR SURE, a problem with a flash blocker, the flash player, or a firewall (either internal machine firewall, network level firewall, etc).

    Best regards,
  • root@pbx:~ $ netstat -lnp | grep 444
    tcp 0 0* LISTEN 3287/fop2_server

    still nothing
  • This is what you see in httpd log,
    you can see the login window come up...
    you post your login and the login comes up again...

    Originating IP removed server IP altered... for security reasons...

    - - [25/Jul/2010:10:16:22 +0100] "GET /fop2/fop2-variablesGENERAL.txt HTTP/1.1" 404 306 "http://*.*.139.*/fop2/"; "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_3;$
    - - [25/Jul/2010:10:16:22 +0100] "POST /fop2/setvar.php HTTP/1.1" 200 1 "http://*.*.139.*/fop2/"; "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_3; en-us) AppleWeb$
    - - [25/Jul/2010:10:16:37 +0100] "GET /fop2/fop2-variablesGENERAL.txt HTTP/1.1" 404 306 "http://*.*.139.*/fop2/"; "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_3;$
    - - [25/Jul/2010:10:16:37 +0100] "POST /fop2/setvar.php HTTP/1.1" 200 1 "http://*.*.139.*/fop2/"; "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_3; en-us) AppleWeb$
  • I have reinstalled from scratch, same issue...
    Actually the login window keeps coming back, I have laoded the FOP2 freepbx module and changed the passcode there...
    still no login, I think this must be very simple now...
  • If you try to login and it ask you again, then the daemon is working, but your are passing incorrect credentials. The way to know what users and secrets are valid is to run this script from the linux command line:


    That will list all the user lines, with their extension number and password. The autoconfig script might fail if you have funky lines in voicemail.conf, so look for errors when you run it. If there are no errors, just login with a user and secret as displayed when you run the above script.

    Best regards,
  • Yes it lists users and their Voicemail passwords but no this does not work....
  • Did you modify the fop2.cfg file beyond the manager user and password? Do you have the last line "#exec" in place?

    If you are prompted for user and password, and after entering something you are prompted again, then the daemon is running and there are no firewall or flash issues, but the credentials are wrong. Wrong because you typed them wrong, or because the user configuration is not correct in fop2.cfg. The easiest way is to leave the automatic configuration for FreePBX.
  • I did leave that last line in place, I un commented it and re commented it but no difference, also if I now do an amportal restart all the phones are kicked off, but asterisk still runs...
    If I restrat all the phones came back on...
    Something is broken ....
  • Asterisk sometimes gets stuck, and the only way to stop it is to kill it. It has nothing to do with fop anyways.. and it has nothing to do with your problems login into fop2. I am currently on vacation, live help will be back online next week, you can try to catch me then and I will help you fix your problem, as the forum is not fast. FOP2 is straightforward, if everything is setup as default it works. When you start to fiddle with config files you might get issues. For example, if you changed the listen_port in fop2, you will probably have to delete a file in /var/www/html/fop2 by hand, or flush your browser cache. It will be better to troubleshoot via chat or remotely. Best regards,
  • It just started working...
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